Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Post #1

We went to Lake Cherokee with Matt's family for a few days before 4th of July. The weather was sketchy but we made the most of it and had a really good time. It was great to see everyone while we were there...wish we were able to get together more often! I'll also have to take pictures of the house next time we are there...the bunk house is complete! Each of the four rooms are decorated a different neat. Matt, Taylor and I stayed in the 'Lake Room'!

On July 4th Taylor and I dropped Matt off at the airport to go to Pamplona, Spain to Run with the Bulls. His really good friend chose that location for his bachelor party! They attended Opening Ceremonies on Tuesday, Ran the Bulls and watched Bull Fighting on Wednesday, Thursday they are supposed to go out to a winery/vineyard, and Friday they all fly to Barcelona to catch flights back home on Saturday...Matt has a 12 hour layover in London...poor guy!
Here is a picture of Matt and Andy sometime before or after the run...they are close to the guy in blue...they are wearing white and red and waving..haha!

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