Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jordan is 4 months old

Wow! Time has gone by so fast! I can't believe Jordan is already 4 months old. I started back to work (only two days a week)! Jordan has changed so much over the last month! She sleeps from around 10pm to 3-4am, eats, then goes straight back to sleep until around 9am. She naps twice during the day for about 2 hours each. She loves her swing for naps! She holds her head up, rolls from her back to her tummy, and loves to stand (with assistance of course)! She is still nursing every 3-4 hours during the day. She loves to be talked to! She responds with smiles, laughs, and reaching for you! Jordan gets grumpy from around 8-9 or 10 every night. This just started, and I sure hope she grows out of it soon. She has been such a blessing to our family. Her big sister loves her...sometimes too much! I was afraid Taylor would revert back to wanting a pacifier, but she hasn't! She loves to give Jordan her paci, even when she doesn't want it!! She also loves to hold Jordan and helps me burp her after she eats! If Jordan spits up, Taylor is the first to get a rag to wipe it up!! It is so neat watching the two of them! Taylor 'reads' to Jordan and sometimes I find Jordan on her play mat with a bunch of Taylor's toys surrounding her!!

We can't wait for the summer to get going...our weekends are filling up very fast! It is going to be a busy summer!

Sometimes I wonder what these two are talking about out there while they swing!

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