Monday, February 24, 2014

Taylor goes to the Dentist...

I know, of all people, my kids should have the cleanest, healthiest, and decay free teeth...but they don't!  I took the girls to the dentist in January and Taylor had some 'areas of concern'. was decay...I saw it glaring at me on the heart sank.  How could this happen...teeth brushing every night is a challenge, but not an option, and we did it every.single.night!  That was the problem...we only brushed once a day (it was like pulling teeth to get that done...pun intended), and never flossed (ouch, that hurts to even say)!!!  I know better, but I didn't do it!  So she had some decay that needed to get filled.  Due to her age and the areas needing filled we decided to do IV sedation.  Our pediatric dentist is awesome with the kids and luckily has an anesthesiologist come in often to we felt this was the appropriate choice!  And, Taylor did great!!!  She was a little loopy coming out of sedation and doesn't remember ANYTHING!  Which is even better!  Highly recommended!  Here is her selfie on the way  home!  Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day is now a routine for our kids!  

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