Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Great Weekend!!

This past weekend was very busy for us! We went down to see the Boyd's for Seth's first birthday party on Saturday! It was a pool party, but Taylor couldn't swim because her umbilical cord hasn't fallen off yet...yes I know, babies are supposed to lose those things in the first 2-3 weeks and she is now 6 weeks old. I think it just reminds her of her old "home" and she won't let it go! Anyway, Seth had a great time!

Saturday night we went to Nana and Papa's house to see my Aunt and Uncle and cousins. It was their first time to meet Taylor. They were on their way back from vacation and decided to stop in Houston for a few days to see us!! It was great to see them and hear all about their trip to Australia. We hope to see them this summer again at the yearly family reunion!
I've been lucky to be able to keep Alex a few Monday mornings since I haven't been working. Here is everyone toward the end of the morning...sleeping!! Even Winnie decided to take a nap! Notice the dirty diaper, empty bottle, yogurt container, etc....I was too busy playing to clean anything up!

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