Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day, Belly Buttons, and Birthday Party!

My first Mother's Day was perfect. I actually got a whole weekend full of fun! My very talented daughter made me waffles with strawberries and whip cream on Saturday morning!! Her wonderful dad might have helped a little.

On Sunday morning we had the Wilcox's for brunch. Matt and his brother's made waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage for all the women!!! And on Sunday night, Joni and I brought dinner to Mom and Dad's. We had BBQ from Kirby's in is the best!

Taylor also has now FINALLY lost her umbilical cord. It only took almost 7 weeks. I even took a picture to prove it!! She has a very cute belly button I must say so myself!!

Abby turned two the end of last month and she had a pool party to celebrate. Here is her brother, Johnny, and Taylor snoozing in his bassinet! I know it is bad of me, but I didn't get any pictures of the party itself...I was enjoying the sun and watching the kiddos swim!

1 comment:

Jesse and Dori said...

It was great to see you and your sweet little girl last week, thanks for having over to hang out and mess up your pretty house! :) I liked seeing all the cute pictures of Taylor.
Hope to see you again soon!