Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy First Brithday to my sweet Jordan!!

A year ago at this time I was trying to get some sleep...and just couldn't get comfortable.  A few hours later, we were headed to the hospital to have our second baby girl!  Jordan has been such a blessing to our family.  Having two precious girls has been wonderful.  Watching them play together and 'talk' together is really amazing.  Jordan loves to feed herself, loves to clap, loves to play with her big sister, and loves to ride in her car!!  She is eating anything we can cut up into small enough pieces that she can feed herself!  Her favorites are pasta pick up ravioli!  She is only taking 2-3 bottles a day and really enjoying using a sippy cup with milk!  Jordan says Mama, Dada, ball...and that is about it!  She screams when her sister takes her toys, or even comes toward her with the possible intention of taking her toys.  She walks ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE!!  With Taylor we never had to put locks on the bathroom cabinets.  Last week, we put them on ALL the bathroom cabinets in order to keep Jordan out.  Jordan is still waking up a few nights a week wanting a bottle.  I need to quit getting up and doing this, unless I want to continue for a while...and I don't!  IF we have a hard-headed kiddo, she is IT!!  We are sooo looking forward to watching her grow, learn, and play!!  So neat to see the different personalities in our daughters!  WE LOVE YOU, JORDAN!  Happy 1st Birthday!!
(excuse the blurry pictures...she moves a lot and my phone just couldn't keep up!!)

1 comment:

aimee said...

I can't believe she is already a year old! Both of your girls are so precious!!